The Project
M.I.C.R.O. – Migrants Ideas Converted into Real Opportunities – is a European project addressed to microcredit operators and NGOs that work with migrants interested in setting up an entrepreneurial activity.
Despite the economic crisis of these last several years, the rate of migrant entrepreneurship has continued to grow both in Italy and in Europe. Nonetheless, there are several related criticalities to be faced, such as the difficulty in finding information for setting up a business and scarce entrepreneurial training.
The general aim of M.I.C.R.O. is to create a professional figure capable of supporting migrants throughout the various phases in setting up and managing an entrepreneurial activity. In this regard, the partners involved in the project are working on creating and experimenting an innovative e-learning methodology for operators who will thus have the possibility to acquire transversal competences, both in the economic/financial and intercultural communication sectors.
- Ente Nazionale per il Microcredito (Leading Partner – Rome/Italy)
- Ce.S.F.Or – Centro Studi Formazione Orientamento (Rome/Italy)
- Mediter - Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen pour la Coopération (Brussels/Belgium)
- Acción contra el hambre (Madrid/Spain)
- Nantik Lum (Madrid/Spain)
- Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnützige GmbH (Leipzig/Germany)
The main activities of the project will be carried out in Rome and are as follows:
- Sharing of best practices
The aim is to identify the Partners’ current or past best practices with reference to credit access, migrants’ training and social inclusion, as well as practical models and solutions for the operators’ training path.
- Training course
The aim is to experiment the new methodology being developed involving 20 operators from the partner countries.
Two outputs will be realized:
- The e-learning platform: a training tool for operators involved for various reasons with migrants having totally different cultural backgrounds. This training path will enable to acquire transversal competences necessary for perfecting the operators’ performance.
- The info-training path: addressed to migrant entrepreneurs offering a complete overview, orientation and initial training concerning all of the aspects of an entrepreneurial activity.
In order to guarantee a strong enhancement and dissemination of the project, each partner country will host a conference aimed at sharing the results achieved and making them widespread.
Each conference will see the participation of stakeholders, local decision makers, the press, microcredit operators, NGOs and migrants
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