ROME 11/15 APRIL 2016
During the good practices exchange, that took place in Rome from the 11 to the 15 of April 2016, the best exchanges of good practices developed at a European level have been collected, proving the sensibility and the strength of the actions for the support and the integration of the immigrant citizens. The particular choice of such exchanges in good practices, has been lead from the experience and the originality of the paths of credit activation, from the impact sustainability and their transferability in other backgrounds.
The key action that has rendered the possibility to establish an efficient debate, has been the one of focusing on the path, in order to lead a user to the fulfillment of an enterprise .
Microcredit Authority – head of the project – has presented the outcomes of the A.MI.C.I. project with the target of facilitating access to non-EU citizens through the establishment of micro-enterprises and ways of self-employment. After a deep quantitative analysis on the number of immigrants, of the enterprises and of the employment rate in Italy, it has been possible to define some financial solutions targeted for the immigrant citizens. The definition of a network where immigrant entrepreneurs, microcredit promoters, policy makers and financial intermediaries collaborate, is the most efficient approach in order to guarantee the chain quality of credit supply .
The ONG “Acción Contra el Hambre” has recently witnessed with its educational courses, the development of 14 enterprises and more than 20 job roles by means of instruction to women and self-employed immigrants. After the participants’ selection, the informative journey provides: team working, an awareness path of one’s own abilities and competences of rules that regulate the business environment in order to proceed to an idea of business plan through an economical analysis, sales channels, promotion and brand implementation.
The business model canvas, has been one of the most significant tools in order to work and visually summarize how an enterprise produces value, the necessary activities and resources, the clients’ segments and the economical and financial aspects.
From the experiences of other Partners, some important steps have come to light for the fulfillment of enterprises aimed for the underprivileged. Nantik Lum (Spanish microcredit organization) has highlighted that, knowing how to evaluate one's proper company condition is example of great benefit for the company’s longevity. This process may be assisted by the competences of an agent for the historical and technical economic evaluation of the company, subsequently evaluated from a guarantee committee for the final microcredit concession.
The goal of training ONG professionals for microcredit assignment to the immigrants, implies an intercultural knowledge that allows to act respecting the cultural traditions of the non EU citizen. In Germany, the Wisamar Partner, organizes trainings of intercultural communication, rendering the participants aware of the cultural heterogeneities, with which they’ll have to deal in a professional way. These courses complete the training avoiding conflicts between professionals and users, furthermore they facilitate the microcredit transactions.
The training’s relevance has been reiterated from Mediter’s experience, which has organized a graduates and employees course of the public service in order to grant a set of duties (information, legal and administrative advices) aimed for the immigrants yearning to start an entrepreneurial activity.
Starting from these original products, each organization will create some training courses structured in modules.
The project’s innovativity will be cristallyzed in the transformation of such contents into open and transferable products (OER) on the Microcredit’s Authority e-learning platform; guaranteeing a deep impact on the beneficiaries and a tangible sustainability.